Our Committment

ETR LocomotivesThe Essex Terminal Railway is committed to the protection of its employees from injury and illness and its property for damage or loss.

In order to fulfill this commitment we provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment in accordance with generally accepted industrial practices and in compliance with statutory requirements.

We strive to eliminate any and all foreseeable hazards which could result in personal injury or illness or damage to and loss of property or environment.

Accidental loss can be controlled through good management in conjunction with active and willing employee engagement. We all take responsibility and endeavor to avoid accidents, damage and loss.

We all perform our jobs in a safe and workman-like fashion in accordance with established procedures. General Rules, Canadian Rail Operating Rules (CROR) and operating philosophy.

The foregoing is a statement of the Essex Terminal Railway’s commitment to the safety of its employees. The Railway’s commitment to the safety of the community at large is no less rigorous.

The Essex Terminal Railway conducts its activities in the communities of Windsor, LaSalle and Amherstburg in strict accordance with the rules and regulation of Transport Canada and other governing bodies, with the safety of our neighbours, the motoring public and pedestrians foremost in mind.